
Showing posts from July, 2017


“Here’s to the ones who dream, foolish as they may seem. Here’s to the hearts that ache; here’s to the mess we make.” Yes, it is one of the best line from La La Land! Now here, I wanna talk about how amazinggggg the movie is. Yup, it's July 2017 and I can't still get over this movie 😉  my favorite scene ❤️ *Okay, I assume most of you have watched it so I will be a spoiler*  When I first heard this movie, I have no doubt at all that thisSS will be the best movie ever created and it's true!!! (although i had no chance to watch it in the cinema) G0SH you know already what a masterpiece Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone is <333 I love love love their acting so much! no mistake. perfect. FLAWless. And the characters, Sebastian and Mia, were like meant to be together!!11! They're like the best movie couple <3 and the chemistry is real, they are so cute together😭 I adore their relationship. They are so supportive about each other passion&dreams, so compassion

Zodiac Aesthetic

this is the visualization based on each zodiac's aesthetic made by me Aries are strong and determined. They are ambitious, assertive, driven, impulsive and loyal and they can achieve whatever they put their mind to.  Taurus are known for their stability. They are reliable, focused, deliberate and calm and they are known for their inner strength, you can never tell if a Taurus is going through a hard time because they never show it. Gemini is probably the most sociable and friendliest of all zodiac signs. They are fun, expressive, flexible and affable. Being around them is always delightful and people are always drawn to their bubbly personality. Emotional, sentimental and nurturing, Cancers  are known for their kind and gentle hearts and their ability to take the high road in challenging situations. They are wise and honest and they forgive all the time. Leos are born to rule the world. They are confident, charismatic, fearless and love being the cente